
Today I was working on my topic activity. We are making a paper chain with drawings about empathy.

Te Reo

Learning Intention: We are learning to sing " Singing In The Rain" and perform the actions.

Success Criteria:
Sing as a group
Listen to others
Join in with the actions

Teacher Comment: Well done Logan singing and performing the actions. You have a lovely singing voice.



Learning Intention
We are learning to create a pet rock to communicate feelings.

Succes Criteria
Use multiple colours
Share the paint
Share your rock with a buddy

Teacher Comment
It was great to see you enjoying yourself when painting your rock Logan and using different colours to make it interesting.

Player of the Year

What an achievement Logan! I am so proud of you Logan. The Year 2 hub loved hearing about your reward in whanau hui this morning and this afternoon. You are a superstar Logan!


You were so helpful drying the pet rocks. Well Done Logan!