Science Term 4

I am learning to identify living and non living things 

Reading Term 4

I am reading a book about bears that I got out from the library this week! 

Maths Term 4

I am learning to order numbers to 20. Here I have ordered numbers 1-10


I am learning to: write a story about a time when I did something really well.
Success criteria: I can draw a picture plan and write a story about something I did really well.

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Te wiki o te reo maori-Maori language week

Tena koutou katoa,

Greetings all,

Recently we celebrated Maori Language week at School. 

Here is a link to some resources your family may like to print off.

Ngå mihi nui

Geoff Wallis

Player of the Day!

Logan's exciting news today!

Year 1 Shared Breakfast

Today we had a shared breakfast with all the year one students and their families. It was fantastic to see lots of parents socialising and getting to know one another. The children enjoyed eating their breakfast with their friends and performing a couple of short items. Thanks again for coming and for bringing such delicious food, the children ate very well!

School values

Care Values
We are learning to:
Community - be a positive member of Oaklands School
Active Thinking - use our initiative when making choices
Respect - be kind and respectful towards others
Excellence - try our best in our learning

I show my CARE values by:
when you clean up stuff you get a tick, when you do stuff for the teachers


Term 2
I am learning to finger point to words as I read them.

Kākano Talent Quest


Today was our turn to perform at the Kākano Talent Quest. 

We sang 'Sing' by Ben Lee. 

We have been looking forward to performing this item for a number of weeks. The children did an amazing job and we were really proud of their effort. A big thank you to all the parents who came along to support us :-)

Click on this link to see our performance

Room 16 Singing in the Kākano Talent Quest


Term 2
I am Learning my Fast Words

Writing Term 2

Ripper of the day

On Saturday I got 'ripper of the day'. I did lots of rips and even a one handed rip.
By Logan
Thanks for sharing your exciting news Logan.